HotHealth’s Announcement Bar

Keep your patients up to date with important alerts on your website.

Alert your patients of Coronavirus (COVID-19) procedures

A special spot for healthcare service providers to information site visitors of important information.

Utilising technology to better communicate with and service clients is of growing importance to healthcare providers. Make the most of your website by including important alerts with our announcement bar.

Your announcement
HotHealth Your brand and logo

Highlight essential information

Top of page, for top of mind.

The announcement or notification bar allows a one or two-sentence sentence at the very top of the homepage.

Communication is key


Share important news or changes to business such as public holidays hours, unexpected closures, new staff and more.


Remind patients and clients about changes to procedures, fees, forms or essential information around referrals.


Highlight recently released products, services, specials or current promotions.


Tell site visitors about your most recent blog post, press release or upcoming event. You can include links in the message!

Get started today
